Sunday, September 28, 2014

Lecture 5 - Radioactive waste management

Where did the radionuclide originate and how did it get to the plant?

How does the radioisotope leave the waste form?

Base Case Scenario
The base case should describe the evolution of your repository with time.

You are designing the system to fail in a known and systematic fashion.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Lecture 2 - Radioactive Waste Management

Shielding vs Barriers

Exemption quantity cnsc
For general purposes an exemption quantity may be defined as: a quantity of a radionuclide (expressed in in Bq) below which licensing by CNSC is not required. As CNSC has regulated the University of Ottawa by setting disposal limits for specific radionuclides less than the associated EQ value, the University of Ottawa provides the EQ values for reference purpose only.

Maximum allowable concentration
The maximum exposure to a biologically active physical or chemical agent that is allowed during an 8-hour period (a workday) in a population of workers, or during a 24-hour period in the general population, which does not appear to cause appreciable harm, whether immediate or delayed for any period, in the target population. (From Lewis Dictionary of Toxicology, 1st ed)

Activity (emission, concentration, …)
Geologic, engineered, and waste barriers

Stopping power
Uranium is stable in a low oxidation
You might need absolute barrier
How much do you need to slow the migration?
Waste isolation and natural barrier, how much time do I need?

What information do you want to monitor?
You maintain
How does the waste get out?
How does the material move

Where does the material move to

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Lecture 2 - Nuclear Power Plant Design and Simulation

Q) Shutdown Cooling System Heat exchange is allowed to let the flow through both ways. first they use PHT pump which is a large capacity pumps and then use shutdown cooling pumps. Why? (something to do with Class power.)